Versapak has achieved Planet Mark Certification for the 6th Year!

Versapak has achieved Planet Mark Certification for the 6th Year!

We’re proud to announce that we have achieved our 6th year of Planet Mark Business Certification for reporting year [2023 – 2024]. We are committed to cutting our measured footprint annually.

Planet Mark is a leading carbon reduction and net zero specialist. With over ten years of experience, Planet Mark is committed to helping business of all sizes find unified solutions to reduce carbon emissions, secure net zero targets, generate long-term business value and deliver meaningful climate action.

Achieving Business Certification is the best first step to take on the transition towards net zero. Planet Mark Members must achieve annual 5% reductions in Scope 1 and 2 emissions and measure some Scope 3 emissions that are within direct operational control (e.g., Business Travel and Waste). We look forward to expanding our measurement remit to take strides towards net zero at a critical time for our planet. We are focused on continuous improvement and are proud to be a Planet Mark Certified Business. 

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