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Freeze Boards for Medical Carriers

Freeze Boards are used to keep the contents of Thermal Medical Carriers such as Pathology Specimen & Sample, and or the Vaccine Carrier between 2-8 degrees. For best results precondition to -18 degrees before use. Thermal Barriers are used to separate the contents from the Freeze Board.

ICECATCH (Solid Insulated) for Medical Carriers

ICECATCH are also used to keep the contents of Thermal Medical Carriers such as Pathology Specimen & Sample, and or the Vaccine Carrier between 2-8 degrees but for longer durations. For best results precondition to -18 degrees before use.

PCM for Blood In Transit Medical Carriers

This Phase Change Material (PCM) pack is used in conjunction with the Blood In Transit Medical Carrier to keep contents between 15-25°C for prolonged periods of time by absorbing heat and releasing at a constant temperature.

T2 Security Seals

The T2 is our premium security seal and ensures that medical materials can be transported in a tamper evident way. Our cost saving bundles include a box (500 seals) of plain T2 security seals.

Shoulder Strap for Large Sizes

Large Thermal Medical Carriers (PYTB3 and PYTBVAC3) have D-rings so that our adjustable Shoulder Straps can clip on to support heavier weight. Our Blood In Transit Carriers come with shoulder straps as standard.

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